Freezerworks 5 overview

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A detailed explanation on how to configure and use Freezerworks Unlimited 5. Learn how to enter data, add users, configure settings, and more.


Freezerworks Unlimited 5.0 Introduction – 00:00

Unlimited is your complete solution to sample tracking, freezer inventory and management.  Freezerworks Unlimited will manage your site's frozen samples and sample workflow completely, and accurately meeting your GLP and 21 CFR part 11 requirements.  Also, Freezerworks Unlimited is written and validated according to FDA guidelines for software development.  Combine the power and configurability of the world leader in freezer inventory management software with freezer security and quality assurance, user and group security, search tools for locating the samples and vials you need, and batch tools for managing small and large numbers of samples and vials.  

Freezer Setup and Configuration – 01:05

Freezerworks Unlimited gives you a configurable template for creating your freezers.  First, name and number your freezer subdivisions.  Identify any exceptions to your freezer template, for example, any shelves with more or fewer racks or boxes with more or fewer positions.  Define the graphical shape of your sample containers, here a box.  Freezerworks Unlimited will even accommodate those unique box configurations; here we have a triangular shaped box.  Check the configuration tree and box picture view to verify the freezer meets the proper specifications.  Finally, indicate which groups have access to your freezer and how much access to give.

User and Group Security – 02:55

Your System Administrator has the ability to configure each user's permissions to perform specific tasks.  Assign users to groups, each group having access to its own freezers and entry and view screens.  As multiple groups can have access to Freezerworks Unlimited, only the right people have access to the right data.  Manage your group screens, views, and freezers from one window.  

Data Fields and Entry Screens Configuration – 03:40

Create all the User Defined Fields you need, selecting from a wide variety of data edits and checking features.  Define default values for your fields.  Even default values based on entries made in other fields.  Build restricted lists of acceptable entries.  Link to other User Defined Fields, for example, if Protocol equals 070 only store serum, plasma, and seminal fluid.  Calculated fields allow you to create field entries based on other field entries with mathematical expressions.  Here, Days in Transport equals Date Received minus Date Collected.  Make certain fields standout by adding color.  Build your data entry screens using your User Defined Fields.  Drag and drop your fields onto your screens.  

Enter Samples – 05:50

Each group has its own entry and view screens, as many as it needs.  To add aliquots, select the number of aliquots, the freezer, and enter any aliquot specific information.  The Next Assignable Position will start assigning vials where you last stopped at this freezer, or select another freezer location.  Locations already taken will be passed over.  Aliquots can be stored in multiple freezers and with the sub aliquot feature aliquots can be created from aliquots and automatically and uniquely tracked.  As sample aliquots are moved to and from various labs, keep records using the transactions feature.  The Audit Trail will record every addition, deletion, and modification done to a record including the user, time, and date.  Attach important pictures and documents to samples.  If your lab QA rules require it, you can even force users to give reasons for data entry changes made.

Batch Entry – 08:15

Batch Entry Configurations ease your workflow, create records, and print labels and batches across multiple freezers and freezer locations in preparation for the daily workload.  

Move Samples – 09:15

Moving freezer boxes, racks, or individual vials is done by drag and drop from the Source Freezer to the Destination Freezer.  The Audit Trail tracks all aliquot movement

Searches & Printing – 10:00

User-friendly search engine features help you locate the samples you want based on your criteria.  A user-friendly search engine helps with more complex searches.  Or for simple searches, open the Quick Search window.  It's always there for the lab technician to enter or scan the identifier and go directly to the record.  Freezerworks Unlimited uses a relational data structure to link sample data to freezer locations, with the flexibility to view your data graphically by freezer location as well as by sample.  Search freezers for samples and double-click on a vial to see the complete sample information.  

Labels & Reporting – 11:45

Use the barcode label editor to create cryogenic safe labels.  Select from a wide variety of popular label designs and sizes.  Print linear and 2d.  Use the configurable report writer to create reports on samples, aliquots, and transactions.  

Quality Control of Freezers – 12:40

Quality control is essential for every well-run lab.  The QC freezer check option gives you the ability to reconcile your actual freezer samples with Freezerworks Unlimited.  Use a barcode scanner to scan the freezer contents.  Run the check and Freezerworks Unlimited will display any discrepancies that need correcting.  

Shipping – 13:25

To ship samples, follow the options in the Shipping menu.  First, add sample aliquots to your shipping file.  Then, pull the aliquots from your freezers using a location report to find them quickly.  Verify your pulled samples with barcode scanning.  And finally, check out aliquots creating Transaction records and either, removing aliquots or depleting levels.  

Batch Update – 15:30

Your time is valuable, so an effective sample management and tracking program must have useful Batch Update features.  Freezerworks Unlimited gives you tools to update your sample data in batches, all carefully recorded by the Audit Trail.  From Batch Update, you can update samples, update aliquots, assign new positions to existing aliquots, update transactions, add aliquots to existing samples, or add transactions to existing aliquots.  Let's show an example of how this works using Simple Search.  Let's do a search of samples with a certain date.  15 samples are returned.  We want to enter a Sample Type and change the Protocol.  We go to Update Samples to update these 15 sample records.  At the Update Sample screen, select the fields and enter the data that we want to update.  The update is complete and the fields display the new values.  And our changes are recorded in the audit trail.

Import data – 17:20

Do you need to import data from other programs or spreadsheets?  No problem!  With our import feature, you can even update existing records.  Add a new format and indicate if you're adding new samples, samples with aliquots, or if you're modifying existing samples or aliquots.  Use Setup to indicate the format of the imported file and then select the fields to be imported in their proper order. 

Web Services – 18:00

Do you need data integration? The SOAP Server module gives you secure access to the data through web services.  Use it to link to other lab software, PDAs, and browsers using the popular scripting languages, for example, JavaScript or .Net.  Create your SOAP services, as many as you need.  Determine which fields to search by and which fields to display in your results.  For read-only web access anywhere in the world or in your institution, use our Frost Freezerworks browser.  Your data is secure because SOAP requires the built-in Freezerworks Unlimited security for access.  With Frost, you can run the XML search services you've created.  Search using any combination of search fields and then view, print, and save the results.

Conclusion – 19:40

There's much more of Freezerworks Unlimited to see.  Contact Dataworks Development for an online demonstration on how Freezerworks Unlimited can be adapted to meet your laboratory sample management needs.