Watch as we demonstrate the new features in Freezerworks 2019. Learn all about the updates to Workflow Templates, the updated freezer interface, the addition of Homepages, and more!
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Introduction – 00:00
Hi there, welcome to the Freezerworks 2019 Learning Series, your visual guide to our new and improved sample management software. In this introductory video, we'll take a quick look at several of the most notable new features in Freezerworks 2019. Should you need any more information after today, everything we cover is explained in greater detail in the User's Guide and other videos to come.
Homepages – 00:40
To start off, you'll notice that Freezerworks has been given a visual facelift throughout and nowhere is this more apparent than with our new Homepage, seen right after you log in. This will act as every user’s hub in Freezerworks. If you close all open forms and windows in the program, your Homepage is the screen you'll see. Homepages are made up of ‘Tiles,’ buttons that immediately take you to various inventory-related tasks in Freezerworks, making it much easier to navigate the complex software from the get-go. These Tiles can be anything on the Inventory Management menu, any Workflow or Import format, and any of the search options. This includes Saved Searches themselves, so Users can open records they need to work on faster than ever before. You choose the Tiles you need for your daily activities, creating a Homepage that's specific to you. Then, if you're an Admin, you can create as many different Homepages as necessary, assigning them to your various Users as you see fit. Of course, if you'd rather leave your Users with the responsibility of creating their own homepage, you can do so with Private Homepages.
Visual Freezers – 02:00
With that visual facelift still in mind, let's move on to Visual Freezers, which make freezers more interactive and true-to-life than ever before. When configuring freezers, exploring freezers, moving aliquots, and assigning positions on an entry form, you have a new graphical interface that can visualize your entire freezer and all of its subdivisions. You'll design exactly what your freezers look like at each subdivision level, for each freezer section. Then, when you view the freezer’s contents, in Move Aliquots, for example, it'll look like an actual representation of what you have in the real-world. The colors will be added to all of your freezers to indicate how full each container is, we call this ‘Freezer Capacity’ and it makes judging the health of a freezer and finding space simple.
Field Dependencies – 02:52
Next, Field Dependency options, such as Default Values, Restricted Choice Lists, Conditionally Required fields, and Color Formatting are now much easier to configure and understand. Like many advanced search tools out there today, you'll build your dependencies row-by-row, using lists of comparators rather than radio buttons. For example, these are default values for the field Physician:
- If Hospital is equal to Sacred Heart, the Physician is Taylor
- If Hospital includes either Hopkins or Johnsons, the Physician is Burke
The conditions will then be displayed in full sentences on the properties page to make everything easier to understand. Restricted Choice Lists, Conditionally Required fields, and Color Formatting all work a lot like Default Values but consult our User's Guide if you need specific instructions.
Workflows – 03:45
Moving along, in an effort to standardize even more of Freezerworks, Workflows have received two major updates:
- A new Workflow Type for creating Sub-Aliquots
- A new Task for ordering tests through a Workflow
For the Sub-Aliquot Workflow Type, it's pretty simple. Run this workflow on aliquots you're spinning down to create more from. The template will split each standard workflow tasks into two, so you can do different things to the Parents vs. the Sub-Aliquots. This could include clearing the Parent positions while assigning ones to the Subs, or ordering tests only for the new Sub-Aliquots, or vice versa. Of course, Tests will now be available for ordering in any Workflow Type. You'll find the new page right above Invoicing when configuring a Workflow. When Processing Workflows with Tests, Users will have the option of picking up the tests at the same time, as Check Out is already linked to pick up in System Properties. For more information about our Testing process, see our Testing Series of videos.
Filter Aliquots in Sample – 04:50
Finally, when you open a sample to look at its aliquots, you'll notice that the Aliquots area now has filter options in each column, just like the inventory list view. When you filter the area, a count of the aliquots currently displayed will appear, like so. Feel free to continue adding as many filters as you'd like. When you're done, the button next to the count will remove any filters that are currently on.
Conclusion – 05:19
Well, that does it for our roundup of the most notable new features in Freezerworks 2019. For assistance with any of these things, and more, consult our User's Guide or contact Freezerworks support staff. The What's New topic, for instance, has contextual links that will open detailed explanations of everything discussed today. If you're more of the visual type, more videos breaking down everything you need to know about Freezerworks 2019 are coming soon. Thanks as always for watching and I hope you enjoy using Freezerworks, see you next time!