Freezerworks Unlimited Web Services Module

The Freezerworks SOAP Server Module makes your Freezerworks Unlimited (FUL) database a secure web server, allowing access to data over the internet or mobile applications while utilizing the FUL configurable security features to restrict access and sensitive information to valid users.

The Freezerworks (FUL) SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) Server adds Web Services power and capabilities to Freezerworks Unlimited.  Whether you are running Standalone or Client/Server, SOAP Server turns your FUL into a secure web server that you can use to retrieve information through browsers, wireless PDAs, etc.
Coming soon - SOAP Update:  Now in alpha testing.  Enter & update existing records in FUL, following all restrictions and business rules.

Press Release - Freezerworks UL 4.0 Launched


Freezerworks Unlimited and Diabetes Research