IT Resources
Explore our resources for IT professionals below.
Simplicity and security features for IT professionals.
We support in-house technology teams with a variety of tools and security protocols.
IT Features
Password Security
Best practices for password security. (SHA512)
Secure Transmissions
Secure TCP/IP data transmission for remote access.
Server Dashboard
A real-time dashboard to easily maintain server load.
Automated Backups
An automated backup system that’s configured and scheduled to your organization’s requirements.
Fully validated according to FDA Guidance documents and regulations for GxP.
User Authentication
LDAP and LDAPS user authentication lets you tie in to access management systems.
Administrative Privileges
An administrator interface for managing multiple groups and users.
Easily automate and integrate with other applications securely using REST API.
Responsive Support
Dedicated teams to provide support when uptime is critical.
“Freezerworks allows for smooth migrations and upgrades. The straight forward backup functionality simplifies data redundancy and archive processes. [The] flexibility and limited system resource load have enabled the team to easily manage numerous international deployments and continue to support the labs over the years.”
— Matthew Johnson, IT Operations Manager
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