Who We Are
Learn how we empower organizations across the globe.
Our Mission
Streamline sample management by providing high quality services and configurable, secure, and relevant software to the scientific community.
Our History
Dataworks Development, Inc is founded, and soon provides PC data management for virology laboratories doing vital HIV research.
The Retrovirus Lab Management Program® (RLMP) is installed in virology laboratories nationwide conducting HIV research.
Freezerworks for DOS is launched, offering a configurable freezer inventory database program for the PC.
The Freezerworks Bar Code module integrates Freezerworks with cryogenic safe bar code labelling.
Freezerworks for Windows and Macintosh is launched: offering greater configurable features.
Freezerworks Unlimited is launched, offering multiple configurable data entry screens and up to 2,000 User Defined Fields.
Dataworks releases the Freezerworks Unlimited Testing Module, an early stage in the development of Freezerworks as a full fledged Laboratory Information Management System. The Testing Module allows for configuring, assigning, and reporting on laboratory tests on samples and aliquots stored in Freezerworks, while tracking the chain of custody throughout. Dataworks also releases the SOAP Search Module with the FROST search tool, allowing for web searches and integration of Freezerworks with mobile apps, websites, and other laboratory software and systems.
Dataworks releases SOAP Update, allowing for direct and secure input of data into Freezerworks Unlimited through web services. 3rd party apps soon follow, written by customers to integrate systems and manage workflow between Freezerworks and other systems and devices.
Dataworks releases version 5.0 of Freezerworks Unlimited, including an SQL-92 compliant database engine that leads to dramatic increases in speed and performance. The first Users Education Conference occurs, inviting all Freezerworks users to meet and learn from our development and support staff.
Freezerworks Basic 7 is released, offering a great many new features and dramatic increases in capacity, ease of use, and performance. Also, the Billing Module is added to Freezerworks Unlimited, allowing for users to invoice for repository services as well as for performing tests through the Testing Module.
Dataworks releases Freezerworks Unlimited 6.0. New and improved report writer, expanded Entry Form capabilities including font options and branding, dashboard lite for quick access to data, and more.
Dataworks launches Freezerworks 2015, combining Basic and Unlimited into one program with three editions, while adding a patient management module and web client.
Dataworks introduces Freezerworks 2017. We have updated and improved Freezerworks 2015 to give you a better Web Client, Advanced Search, and field types, as well as added Workflow Templates, Email Integration, Requisitions, and more.
Dataworks releases Freezerworks 2018, introducing Pinnacle Edition and Freezerworks Study Management. Now, Freezerworks provides an advanced solution to guide you through your clinical trials. Freezerworks 2018 10.1 is released later in the year, adding Charts and Dashboards to the Web Client and Freezerworks Invoicing to Summit editions and higher.
Dataworks releases Freezerworks 2019. This version enhances Freezerworks Workflow Templates. Now, users can sub-aliquot and order tests when processing workflows. This version also introduces a redesigned Freezerworks. We added customizable Homepages for quick access to the inventory management tools users use the most, and we added an interactive freezer interface that automatically calculates freezer capacity when exploring freezers.
Dataworks releases Freezerworks 2021, strengthening the capabilities of the Freezerworks Web Client. Now, Freezerworks provides users even more sample management tools when accessing their inventory data through the Web Client. Users now can add, edit, and delete Patient, Sample, Aliquot, and Transaction data. Users can also process workflows on their inventory. The Freezerworks Licensing system also received an update.
Our Story
The guiding principle of Dataworks Development is that laboratory or repository personnel are the experts in how their facility should function. Our role is to create software that allows it to function at its peak, while continuing to ensure data integrity.
Dataworks Development, Inc. (dba Freezerworks) was founded in 1987 to provide quality PC-based database software. Among its first clients were small research laboratories within the Health Sciences Center at the University of Washington in Seattle.
Because many laboratory researchers’ data management needs were not being adequately met by either large, in-house mainframe systems or handwritten paper-based systems, Dataworks Development found a niche in providing quality PC database solutions for these researchers.
In 1987 Dataworks Development played a vital role in bringing lifesaving AIDS drugs to the market by providing effective clinical trials data management through the Retrovirus Laboratory Management Program (RLMP). This laboratory information management system included a freezer inventory management module. During this time, the company also developed Retrobase© for use with Abbott® HIV diagnostic equipment and provided data management software and services for the Virology Quality Assurance Program, which provided support to all laboratories performing virology assays for Division of AIDS protocols.
The popularity of the freezer inventory module within the RLMP led Dataworks Development to create a separate program that would cover a broad spectrum of needs and provide a wide range of use in any lab. As a result, it launched Freezerworks in 1992. In 1995, the company developed the Clinical Laboratory Inventory Program (CLIP) to aid in the short-term storage, retrieval, and disposal of clinical samples. Today, clinical labs nationwide use CLIP (since incorporated into the Freezerworks program) to save hours of time searching for samples.
In January 2000 Dataworks Development released Freezerworks 5.0 (later renamed Freezerworks Basic), which combined Freezerworks and CLIP into one powerful sample inventory database. In addition, to better serve the scientific community and its strong Macintosh influence, Freezerworks 5.0 was developed for both the Windows and Macintosh platforms.
In 2002, the company released Freezerworks Unlimited, offering greater data and freezer security features, 2,000 user defined fields that could be shared or restricted as necessary for the effective management of data in a shared secure environment.
The Freezerworks Testing Module was added to Freezerworks Unlimited in 2007, giving the program LIMS capabilities with configurable test ordering as well as results and reporting features.
In 2010, the company released a new version of Freezerworks Unlimited, offering a native SQL back end for greater power and speed in data management.
The introduction of Freezerworks 2015, was a major milestone, combining Basic and Unlimited into one program with three Editions. Freezerworks 2015 included a patient management module with state-of-the-art personal health data security features as well as a new REST API integration tool and Web Client.
Today, the Dataworks Development staff of developers, customer support representatives, sales, marketing and administrative personnel is serving the needs of a diverse research and clinical community worldwide. See the map at the bottom of our home page for a representative sampling of sites using Freezerworks worldwide.