Pooling Part 2 (Desktop): Search and View
Using Pooling-related fields and a new type of search, learn how to effectively find your Pooled Samples in the Freezerworks Desktop Client. This video also details how our new traceability tools and Pooling tabs in Samples Entry make it easy to discover everything related to a Pooled Sample
Pooling Part 2 (Desktop): Search and View
Using Pooling-related fields and a new type of search, learn how to effectively find your Pooled Samples in the Freezerworks Desktop Client. This video also details how our new traceability tools and Pooling tabs in Samples Entry make it easy to discover everything related to a Pooled Sample.
Introduction – 00:00
Hi there, welcome to the Freezerworks 2022 Learning Series, your visual guide to our sample management software. Today, we will continue our deep dive into the exciting, brand new feature, Pooling. In Pooling Part 1, we created a pooling workflow, processed it, and took a quick look at what a Pooled Sample is like in Freezerworks. In this video, we will discuss how to search for Pooled Samples and their Source Aliquots on the Desktop Client, including a new form of Saved Searches specially designed for finding Pooled Samples. We will also go into detail about viewing Pooling data through two new Samples Entry Form tabs: Pool Details and Pools.
Pooling Fields – 01:02
Finding Pooled Samples and Source Aliquots is actually quite simple through the use of two new System True/False Fields: the Aliquots Field “In Pool” and the Samples Field “Pooled Sample”. These Fields can be used in all types of searches to find both Aliquots that were used to make Pooled Samples, and the Pooled Samples themselves. Let’s use Simple Search for instance. If I just want to pull up all Pooled Samples in my database, I can run a search for Samples where Pooled Sample is equal to TRUE. I can then use the filter tools to cut my list down to just Pooled Samples that came from a specific Facility, or had a specific test result. The same can be done for Source Aliquots – I can pull up all Aliquots that are involved in Pools by searching for Aliquots where “In Pool” is equal to TRUE. I can then filter the list down to just Source Aliquots that are in a specific Freezer, or have a specific amount left. Again, these Fields will be usable throughout the program to make finding Pooled data very simple.
Saved Searches – 02:27
These Fields can even be used in Saved Searches to make Pooled Sample searches for you and others to use frequently. However, there is an extra feature we added to Saved Searches to make searching for Pooled Samples more robust. If you set the Return Records dropdown to “Pooled Samples”, two tabs will appear on the search form: Pooled Sample Criteria and Source Aliquots Criteria. First, using the Pooled Sample Criteria tab, you determine what attributes of Pooled Samples themselves you are looking for: the date it was pooled, the Initial Volume Pooled, the Number of Sources, which Group is the owner, etc. Next, you determine what attributes you’re looking for in the Source Aliquots that created the desired Pooled Samples, since Source Aliquots have their own separate data and origin Samples which will probably factor into your search. For example, what is the type of Aliquot, what facility was its Sample originally collected at, who was the doctor that collected it, how much volume did it have to start, etc. Essentially, you’re taking two distinct searches and combining them to find Pooled Samples that match all criteria. An example of a Pooled Sample search would be I want Pooled Samples pooled in the last seven days that come from Source Aliquots collected at the University of Washington of type Nasal Swab. It should also be noted that both tabs need to have an expression in order to run the search.
Pool Details, Pools, and Traceability – 03:46
Let’s run our search now and open a Pooled Sample. As I mentioned in Part 1, all Pooled Samples will have a new tab: Pool Details. This tab includes data points for the Pooled Sample (Initial Volume Pooled and Date Pooled), but most importantly, it lists all Source Aliquots that were combined to create the Pooled Sample. The list displays metadata for each Source Aliquot, based on the selected List View Format (just like the inventory list view). If you’d like to trace an Aliquot back to its origin Sample or Patient, right-click the desired Aliquot to open this contextual menu. You can open the Aliquot’s Patient or Sample, or open it in the inventory list view to quickly see everything related to the Source Aliquot.
No matter what, closing the form you open will always take you back to the Pooled Sample you came from. If you highlight a selection of the Source Aliquots, right-click, and select View Aliquots in List View again, you will open all selected Aliquots in the inventory list view, making it very easy to trace all Patients and Samples that went into making the Pooled Sample. Not to mention, the inventory list view gives you access to all the tools Freezerworks has to offer.
Let’s go back to the Pool Details tab, right-click again, and open a Source Aliquot’s origin Sample to see another Pooling-related tab you will come across. If any Sample has Aliquots that are sources for other Pooled Samples, the Pools tab will appear in the Aliquots area. This tab will display each Source Aliquot that comes from the Sample you have open. The Source Aliquots are identifiable by their Unique Aliquot IDs. Click a Source Aliquot in the list to see each Pooled Sample it is a part of. The Pooled Samples are identifiable by their Freezerworks IDs. Double-click a Pooled Sample and its entry form will open. Traceability exists in both directions. Finally, let’s return to the Pool Details tab, right-click again, and open a Source Aliquot’s origin Patient this time. If a Patient is the origin for any Pooled Samples, the Related Data page will have an extra tab called Pooled Samples. This list behaves just like the Pools tab: it will list all Pooled Samples that were made using Aliquots from this Patient. Click open the listed Pooled Sample to see each Source Aliquot that went into creating it. Traceability exists here too, as double-clicking any record will open it without closing the currently opened Patient. Keep in mind that all Source Aliquots for the selected Pooled Sample will be listed on this tab, not just the ones that are linked to this Patient.
Conclusion – 06:51
And that about does it for Pooling in the Freezerworks Desktop Client! Please note that everything discussed today exists in the Web Client too. We’ll go over how to search for and view Pooling data on the Web in Part 3, but know that these tools function nearly identically in both clients. If you have any questions, consult our User’s Guide or contact Freezerworks Support staff. As always, thank you for watching, and see ya next time!