When it comes to lab compliance, it’s important to make sure the fundamental elements are present. There is a wide range of issues related to compliance in lab management. Management has to keep up with and comply with all of them.
To better manage complex compliance issues, you need a lab management system that helps you maintain proper control of processes, data and people. At Freezerworks, we refer to this important component of LIMS development as the periodic table of compliance. While no LIMS can claim to make your entire system “complaint,” Freezerworks brings assurance to one area of the compliance table shown above. Continue reading “The Periodic Table of Compliance”→
Using Freezerworks to manage a wildlife contraception center and biorepository
By Rick Michels
Marketing Director, Freezerworks
For exotic and endangered wildlife, whether it be the giant panda, white rhino, mountain gorilla, or even the humble koala, fertility is our ally and great hope for species preservation. When such animals successfully mate in captivity and bear surviving offspring, we naturally celebrate. Such stories are so heartwarming and popular that we don’t often consider the other side of the equation: what does a zoo do to prevent a population explosion? Public service announcements remind us of the importance of having our pets neutered, so much so that it often seems this is the only form of animal birth control. But is it? Do tigers and lions utilize artificial contraception like humans do?
The answer is yes. Wildlife contraception is a lesser known but important part of wildlife management: whether that management takes place in a zoo, a natural park, or even in those rapidly shrinking open spaces. And just as humans remain concerned about health and safety issues as they relate to contraception, researchers who work in animal contraception are similarly concerned with the safety and efficacy of chemical based birth control. Continue reading “Biobanking, Zoology, and The Pill”→
Built on a 37-year history in apheresis collection, HemaCare Bioresearch Products and Services is a trusted research partner and leader in human primary cell and tissue collection, processing and cell therapy. Located in Van Nuys, California, HemaCare provides high-quality biological material derived from normal and mobilized peripheral blood, bone marrow and cord blood needed to ensure quality research outcomes that meet the unique needs of the scientific community.
As biomedical companies like HemaCare adapt to meet the growing needs of their customers, it is necessary to be flexible. For such companies operating in a heavily regulated environment, powerful yet configurable software can help meet these challenges and take advantage of new business opportunities. Today, Freezerworks sample management software plays an important role in managing the movement of blood products in a global market from production, storage, sale and shipment. Because of Freezerworks’ configurable nature, HemaCare officials are now looking at ways to expand its use in a timely and seamless manner to meet those new opportunities. Continue reading “How HemaCare improved business productivity with Freezerworks”→
Looking at a lengthy timeline for validating Freezerworks in your regulated environment?
Let Freezerworks help cut that timeline significantly through our IQ/OQ Validation Package.
The IQ/OQ validation package is a set of test script templates to be used with Freezerworks for installation and operational qualification validation. These scripts are constructed with a basic laboratory configuration that covers a wide range of metadata and security level testing across each functional feature of Freezerworks. Continue reading “Use the IQ/OQ Validation Package for a More Rapid Implementation”→
When we developed the first version of Freezerworks in 1992, we did it with true configurability in mind. This means your workflow is supported by Freezerworks rather than your workflow needing to adapt to the software. The configurable nature of Freezerworks further ensures it will continue to support your workflow as your needs and processes change and grow. A competitor may provide similar functionality in many areas. However, Freezerworks excels in how that functionality is integrated into your existing operations.