Study Management Part 1: What’s New?

This is an introduction to one of the new features available in Freezerworks 2018 Pinnacle Edition, Study Management. Part 1 of the Study Management video series briefly explores what's new in Pinnacle, continue the series for more in-depth explanations on various study management features.

Introduction – 00:00

Hello, and welcome to Freezerworks 2018 Pinnacle Edition.  

Study Management Overview – 00:17

Since the addition of Patients a few years ago, the next logical step has always been to integrate sample management with study management.  To add a system where you can configure multiple studies, each with multiple arms, then you can create a visits model for each of those study arms.  Then, enroll patients into those study arms using the patient's entry form.  Then, create kits that pre-generate sample and aliquot data according to your designed visit models (this can be done by patient, by expected visit date, or by study).  Then, after you've created the kits and enrolled the patients, you can receive the pre-generated data with Freezerworks labels when visits finally take place and immediately order any necessary tests based on the received samples.  And finally, you can report, aggregate, and/or detail study data to stakeholders using any of Freezerworks advanced reporting tools.

List View Changes – 1:45

We'll make our way through this whole process over the course of the next several videos, but today let's look over some of the changes you'll see to familiar screens with the integration of Study Management. Now the first thing you may notice is that the inventory list view has two new buttons on it, one for Studies and the other for Visits.  This means that you'll be able to search for both studies and visits, print reports for them, export their data, or use them to drill down through other inventory data, such as samples and aliquots.  When designing these list views, you'll notice you now have Study and Visit tables with brand new fields that you can use on list views, reports, exports, labels, and entry screens.  

Sample Entry Screen Changes – 02:30

Speaking of entry screens when you put a Study or Patient field on a Sample entry screen, a magnifying glass icon appears next to it.  What it means is that you can use this field to search for a Patient and/or Study to associate a sample with as you're entering data.  Let's say you're entering a sample and you enter in study data unique to the patient's enrollment in a study, such as the Participant Study ID.  The patient will be automatically found and the system will populate any associated data.  The same goes for unique patient fields or you can use the Find Patient button when entering or modifying a sample to quickly search for the patient using any of the patient fields on the entry form.  

Study Management Security – 03:15

Moving right along, you should be aware of the new study management-related permissions and roles, where you can control whether a user can even see studies, let alone manage them, create kits for them, and enroll patients into them.  In addition to study-related permissions, you can also activate study-level security in system properties and protect inventory data on a study-to-study basis, much like owner-level security protects owner-to-owner and freezer level is freezer-to-freezer.  

Study Management Contacts – 03:50

Finally, when configuring your studies, enrolling patients, and receiving samples you'll notice the visit field, Site Name.  This is for you to record where visits take place and thus, who to contact with any questions.  You'll assign contacts to your sites, contacts selected from the People table, where you can fill out various contact information to use at a later time.

Conclusion – 04:10

Well, that does it for part 1 of our look at the new Study Management Module.  In our next video, we'll dive into study management and I'll show you how to configure a study.  Well, thank you for watching, see you next time!


Study Management Part 2: Configure Studies


What's New in Freezerworks 2017